Today dawned foggy, drippy, cold. For us it was a day to celebrate the first of three planned Thanksgiving dinners. We have what I like to refer to as 'three fully functioning sets of grandparents', and today we were off to celebrate an early Thanksgiving with my parents, some 60 miles north of our home. Between here and there is my one of my favorite places, an orchard, I first started visiting regularly nearly 20 years ago when I was a young school teacher taking 'city kids' into the surrounding country to visit a farm and pick a pumpkin. I've been making regular pilgrimages ever since, only now I stop in with my own kids several times each season. We decided to stop in and load up on some apples to take with us as gifts for El Professor's family later this week at Thanksgiving dinners two and three. His family lives several hours away in a tiny community in the high desert--not the kind of place where orchards abound. My mother in law bemoans the produce selection at the grocery there (it is pretty pathetic, I must admit) so we like to bring some of the bounty of our valley with us when we go to visit.
The November fog and gray was heavy on the orchard.....
...where treasure awaits. Fujis. Fuji galore.
(All orchard photos were taken by Thirteen)
We picked three bags of Fujis in the early chill.
We arrived at the warm house where I grew up. El Professor helped my dad hang the outdoor Christmas lights, although my folks don't plan to turn them on for another week. Thirteen and I helped bring Christmas boxes down from the attic. Over dinner we reflected on things for which we are thankful. Last year at this time, my dad couldn't stand and could barely walk. His mobility and improved health is something for which we are very thankful.
My mom set the table with my grandmother's china.
From a chilly but beloved orchard to the warm place where I grew up. It was a wonderful first of three Thanksgivings.
We have much to be thankful for.