Saturday, August 15, 2009

Plums A-Plenty........

Plums a-plenty.

Plums galore.

In every colander, bowl, and more.

A bag at every neighbor’s door.

There’s plum juice on the kitchen floor,

And Bill is outside picking more.

Golden plums in the golden sun.

Lining the branches, every one.

Branches cracking under plum plump plums.

Plums pureed for making jam.

Jars on the counter for a plum jam jam.

Plums a-plenty.

Plums galore.

I can’t believe there are so many more.

Plums in the garden.

Juice in my hair.

Golden plums with plenty to spare.

1 comment:

Cherie said...

Very very cute and really good photos of your golden orbs.