Thursday, July 24, 2008


It's that time of the month--the time of the month when I start the grocery shopping flurry.  El Professor, the kids, and I dropped in at the local Grocery Outlet a few days ago.  I like to check out the perishable section--often you can score good deals on items such as goat cheese.  Every now and then they have packages of sandwich meat that are the nitrite free variety and, if they are approaching pull date, they are a great deal.  I have found other great deals on nonperishables such as organic canned tomotoes and other organic products, chocolate (trying to stay away from that right now) tea, and toiletries.  Sometimes, though, I walk out of the Grocery Outlet with an ominous sense of, why did I buy this stuff?  We have a joke with one good friend about Grocery Outlet 'duds'.  It's one of those 'one liners' that goes something like, "No wonder it was at the Grocery Outlet!" On this trip, though, we scored a few great spaves! 

This tea is excellent!  It can also be chilled for a refreshing iced tea.  I have only seen this a few times at the Grocery Outlet....... I spaved on all they had.   

We are into making 'faux Subway sandwiches' around here, and I like to keep a lot of sliced deli turkey in the freezer so we have it on hand.  There were a few of these in the perishable section, so I asked one of the head honchos if they had anymore in the back......

.....they did!!  OK--we'll be having a lot of 'faux Subway sandwiches' .  

While we're on the subject of things in the's about all that rice from spaving in April.  I think I'll go make a cup of tea now and check out some rice recipes.  

1 comment:

Cherie said...

You and your spaving! Great finds.

My little sister, also a frequent shopper at Grocery Outlet - only in southern Oregon - refers to the store as Gross Out, for reasons you touched upon here in your post. Too funny.

Maybe you should cut a hole in the side of your house and begin your own neighborhood drive-thru Subway, heh?