I am a great emoter. When the ride is a bit bumpy and disconcerting things fly my way I wear my feelings on my sleeve and I emote. The economy is disconcerting and I have some real concerns about El Professor's teaching position for the upcoming year. Possible job cuts don't settle well with me and it is easy travel to the Land of What If. This morning, however, was a time of gaining perspective.
The first post I wrote on this blog was about a very ill friend--I needed to emote about this fragile woman with a steel spirit, so I wrote about my encounter with her in 'Little Coats Big People'. This morning I got a phone call and an email letting me know that this friend is in the ICU in a faraway city. She and her dear family took a car trip to a time share they had and were poised for a little get away when she began to bleed internally. Much of her year and their year has been spent living with the frightening and ever increasing episodes relating to her failing liver. She is in final stage liver failure and needs a liver transplant. She is on the transplant list, but one must be even worse (as if I can imagine how much worse a person could be) before moving to the top of the list. So, there they are. In a faraway city, in a hospital where her case is new and unknown to the medical staff. By comparison my cares have been uncomfortable and very real to me, but I am gaining perspective.
Please pray for this dear family with two children and two loving parents, one of whom is teetering on the edge of very fragile health.
Sweet perspective comes at a price oftentimes, it seems. I'm so sorry to hear about your friend - prayers being uttered for all of them and for you.
I, too, wear my heart on my sleeve so can fully relate to those visits to the Land of What-If, and other such reactive moments in time. I'm getting better at spotting my tendency as time goes by, but still, I go there now and then myself. A place I LOVE to leave.
Be of good cheer even as you bear concern for your dear far away friend. Hope is true.
I so understand emoting, too. I also will pray for your friend.
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