Monday, June 16, 2008

It's All Relative....

My four fabulous nephews.   The college grad, the high school grad, and the two others who have several years to go before they graduate.  They are otherwise known as 'the big boys and the little boys', or 'the two two-packs' as there is an age spread between them.

One sinus headache, a used book sale, a broken washing machine, a 'new' Craig's List washing machine, one house to clean like crazy, 4 days of relatives, lots and lots of meal preps, a big graduation bash, one serious puncture wound, Father's Day, and then....suddenly......nothing.  Nothing on the schedule (except for the trip to the pediatrician to deal with the puncture wound).  No running around to outside home school classes,  no math, no grammar, no history.....  Last week was brimming with all of the busyness of my opening list, and this week the whole picture has changed, at least for the kids at me.  El Professor is in class all week working on his teacher certification/endorsements, but I am suddenly facing a period of relative calm. 

Our culminating event this week was a graduation bash for our nephews.  One has finished his home school education, the other--himself a home schooled student--graduated from the University with a degree in journalism.  Given that we live within reach of the University, we offered to hold a bash here to celebrate both graduates, AND the University graduation of the older nephew's wife!  It was a great time!!  

A toast to the three grads!

To summarize the list....
-I have chronic sinusitis and the week opened with a two day vice on my forehead--Augh!
-I set up a table of my eBay books, my home schooling sister-in-law's books and the books of a friend at a local home school resource center.  It was kind of a bust but was great fun.
-The washing machine has been on the fritz for a few weeks.  As we prepped for overnight guests and the big bash, the machine decided to call it quits--and I was already WAY BEHIND in the laundry department.  After researching the problem and cost of parts online ($125), and considering the $40 and the hassle of taking everything to the laundry mat, I decided to try what Dorcus does and consult Craig's List.   I found/purchased and got a home school friend to  haul a 3 year old Whirlpool washing machine for $100.  It's the newest washing machine I've had yet--I'm in appliance love right now.  The thing works great--including spinning the clothes out much better than mine ever did.  
-The house needed some serious deep cleaning--we got it done.
-The big bash included rounds of soccer juggling,  during which Thirteen had to run into the aster patch to get the ball.  His leg met up with a jagged, bamboo garden stake and he ended up with a nasty wound that bled and bled.  I had my doctor brother in law look at it the next day....instant antibiotics.  Our pediatrician put it on infection watch, and today it is much better.  Thankfully, his tetanus booster was up to date.   
-We had a Father's Day breakfast at our house the morning after the big bash, and then we trekked over to my hilarious twin's to celebrate the fathers over there!   


deanna said...

Good for you! Such a busy week the past one was for so many. Hope the headache's gone and the washer's humming right along.

Cherie said...

Ack! As far as busyness goes we are on the same track. And for that spell of relief, yup, still there. I'm having a relief week, too, at least this last half of it.

I hope 13 is doing okay today. Those puncture wounds are nasty!

Hope your headaches have left the building by now.

You have a beautiful yard, perfect for parties and play. Just a lovely time you all had. Wonderful! I notice the four boys all have the same eyes. Families are so cool that way!