As I sat in a staff meeting several years ago the school principal had all of us try an interesting exercise. "Cross your arms. Now, uncross them and cross them the other way." It was a time of change in our elementary school, school programs, and district. The point of her exercise? To address the idea that change is uncomfortable. I've often reflected on that exercise as life has bumped along with many opportunities to cross my arms the other way. The metaphor only goes so far, however. I've found that I eventually uncross my arms and recross them the comfortable way. :-) Still, she made a good point.
I don't teach at that school anymore as I opted to go on maternity leave when Ten was born and I never went back. We home school our kids and it has been a fascinating journey. As this school year draws to a close, however, I am looking ahead to next year and finding that I am having to cross my arms the other way. We've participated in various co-ops, home school resource center classes, and private lessons over the years, with the resource center classes being the only constant. Each year offers new changes and opportunities, but this next year is one in which everything is changing and I am trying to patiently let the dust settle, making suggestions, asking questions, and waiting. Waiting is hard for me. I like to problem solve and get it all figured out--now. All of this change also involves El Professor's position as a public school teacher. He has a new building assignment for next year which will have him making a daily tour of three schools--lots of driving--our '87 Jeep is never going to make it--we will need to find a 'new' second car.
So, I'm crossing my arms the other way...and waiting.