Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! This is what came to mind yesterday morning , May 1, when I was faced with yet another day in my house. After my great day of 'spaving' last week, it has taken all week to get around to putting 'the spavings' away.
Last Friday El Profesor and I put all of the perishables away in a very organized manner in the nicely defrosted freezer and, well, that's all the further we got. One evening when I wanted a box of crackers and needed some pureed tomatoes for a recipe, I just dug through the bags of spavings in the living room. On the upside, I spent time during the week thoroughly cleaning out the pantry (hunting down The Source of the pantry moths), organizing the pantry shelves, and I threw out several cans that had reached/surpassed expiration. While this behind the scenes work was progressing (very slowly), the spavings collection in the living room grew to add piles of my yet-to-be-listed eBay books, kid toys, laundry odds and ends, and a nice pile of shoes in front of the door.
Now that it's Friday afternoon, we have somehow managed to get through the algebra lesson (thank goodness for Teaching Textbooks tutorial-based math), the editing of Thirteen's and Ten's history reports, and I have FINALLY gotten the spavings put away!! The yet-to-be-listed eBay books are still yet-to-be-listed, but they are in a basket on my desk rather than all over the floor. The sink that was full of seriously fetid water/dishes is empty and bleached, the dishwasher is swishing away, Ten swept the floor, and the windows are open to let in the lovely May 2 air.
Now....I wonder what I'll make for dinner?
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