Friday, May 9, 2008

Our Free Cat Update.....

I must admit, after about three days of administering a dropper and a half of infant bubblegum flavored antibiotics twice daily to Our Free Cat, I neglected my duties.  Once he was out of his kitty pain killer induced 'high', he seemed to be doing fine. "He's a cat--he'll be fine," I told myself.  

As we prepared to leave town for the weekend for Ten's birthday, Ten notified me that Our Free Cat's staples/wound area were red and bloody.  I called the vet.  The vet was able to squeeze us in where I was informed that Our Free Cat had developed an infection and needed a little clean up job and another course of antibiotics on top of those I still needed to give him.  He also recommended that the cat be kept in for three days (we were leaving town), possibly with a lampshade thingie to keep him from attempting more staple removal.  I let the vet know the best I could do was to hire the neighbor kids and hope for the best.  

By the time we left for Ten's birthday I had Our Free Cat's wound cared for (I think that was 'on the house' since we have to go back to get the staples removed), more antibiotics (ka-ching$$$), ear mite rinse (ka-ching$$$ complete with much kitty distress), distemper shot (ka-ching$$$) and flea treatments (mega ka-ching$$$ as I 'spaved' and purchased the seven month packet which costs $5 less per treatment than smaller quantities).  I also hired  the wonderful, wonderful homeschool high school neighbor to feed and to attempt to catch/administer the infant bubblegum flavored antibiotics to the cat four times during our absence.  (He succeeded at 3 out of 4!!!)  

The cat is doing much better.  

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