It's amazing what a few little furry creatures can do with a lot of trees and a long, wet spring. Today we took off for an afternoon adventure at a homeschool friend's rural cabin and forest wonderland. She had noted that some beavers have taken up residence in the low meadow between the forested hills. A few years ago my father in law had a beaver move in along his seasonal stream on his high desert ranch--I guess I can see why he opted to have the critter trapped. I imagined the beavers taking on his little desert willows that crowd along the stream banks.....but look what they can do......
Spring has been a long time coming this year. After a taste of February sunshine--just enough to get some early lettuce planted--we have had freezing nights, rain, cool temperatures and epic hailstorms. Today, the sun was warm and lovely and danced and sparkled on these new bodies of water--the beaver ponds.
I did not know you had a blog!?
Looks like you are just skind of starting! Looks nice!
The photo of the fern in the water is mesmerizing me for some reason. Love it!
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